Diablo 2 and lod steam
Diablo 2 and lod steam

To sync progress, you need a account with a copy of Diablo II: Resurrected (purchased separately for each supported platform). The level, skills, talents and stages of the tasks will be saved. Play as your favorite characters and get loot on all supported devices. Enter Diablo II: Resurrected from anywhere. With progress sync function, you will keep access to your characters and progress.Diablo II: Resurrected includes all four acts of Diablo II and the act from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, which also contains two new classes, new items, runes and runewords, ethereal items, and more.Classic mode also supports modern screen resolutions and surround sound functionality. Feel the evolution of Diablo II as you switch between classic and remastered modes in real time. Explore the previously two-dimensional world of Sanctuary in 3D, enjoying high-quality Dolby Surround 7.1 sound and stunning resolution up to 4K (2160p). Start your journey in a bandit camp, cross the sea and hide from the scorching heat of the desert in Lut Galein, explore the impenetrable jungles of Kurast, wander the blazing lands of the Pandemonia Fortress, and more. Raise hell with two Lord of Destruction playable classes-the cunning Assassin, master of traps and shadow disciplines, and the savage Druid, a bold shapeshifter and summoner who commands primal elemental magic. Battle your way through icy caverns, horrific tombs filled with undead abominations, and frozen wastelands to the frigid summit of Mount Arreat and stop Baal, the Lord of Destruction. Diablo II: Resurrected includes all content from both Diablo II and its epic expansion Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

diablo 2 and lod steam

Pursue the mysterious Dark Wanderer and fight the denizens of hell as you uncover the fate of the Prime Evils Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, now in up to 4K (2160p) resolution on PC. Diablo II: Resurrected is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo II.

Diablo 2 and lod steam