Dredge baby banner saga 1
Dredge baby banner saga 1

dredge baby banner saga 1 dredge baby banner saga 1

  • The Determinator: During Onef's mutiny Rook is seriously wounded but continues to carve through the traitors, only fainting when Onef is dead and Allete is safe.
  • Bow And Axe In Accord: Uniquely, he can both use a bow and fight effectively in melee.
  • Beard of Sorrow: He's quite disheveled in Part 2 if he appears at all, after his daughter's death.
  • Badass Normal: Rook is not a varl or a mender but kills dredge just as well anyway.
  • In game he's a Hunter, wielding both an axe and a bow with a special melee ability that gives all friendlies in range a free attack at the target. Compared to the other caravan leaders, he's very charismatic.

    dredge baby banner saga 1

    Click to see in Banner Saga 2 and Banner Saga 3Ī hunter from Skogr and father to Alette, Rook takes on the role of leading the caravan of refugees from Skogr.

    Dredge baby banner saga 1